About Me

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Lansing, Michigan, United States
I am a Mother, a mentor, a business owner, an employee. I am a person I have a busy life and would like to help others deal with their busy lives.

Friday, June 24, 2016


Hey out there.  Sorry it has been awhile but so much has gone on lately.  It is one thing after another around here.  Just when I get one thing done something else seems to pop up.  I know life can be crazy but it is just a hot mess right now.

I have my kidney stone but it is just sitting there and I have had two double ear infections and seriously need looked at and I no longer work.  You may be thinking well go to the Dr. right?  Well that is the next bomb, I was told I make to much money money to get medicaid any longer.  Then I was told I would have to buy y own insurance.

Ok so what money am I supposed to use to do that?  I mean it is not like you get extra money when you get unemployment.  You get less so how is it that when I had a job I was eligible but now I have temporary income and I make to much?  So I am now trying to find insurance which I have always gotten from my employer so I have no idea what I am doing.

In an attempt to get more money I decided to cash out part of my 401K and then put some in my in my IRA to build it up some.  It seemed like a good idea.  I could bump up my checking account and retirement at the same time.  Well something happened and they sent the money to my employer instead but I no longer have an account with them so now I have no idea where my money is.

These are just a few of the things that have been going on.  It has been interesting to say the least.  Hopefully your days are going a little better than mine. :) Next time I hope it will be sooner and I will have something more exciting to talk about.

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