About Me

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Lansing, Michigan, United States
I am a Mother, a mentor, a business owner, an employee. I am a person I have a busy life and would like to help others deal with their busy lives.

Wednesday, February 15, 2023

Working on Positivity

 Hey all,

    So one thing I struggle with is keeping up my positive attitude.  I really do start each day with the best of intentions. I really want to be more positive in my day to day interactions.  I wake up and I say self, "I am going to have a good day, things are gonna be good".  Then IT happens!

    There is always something that just rushes in and ruins the vibes.  It is like I have this target that says kick me on my back and the universe is like "ok", let me throw some curves in here. I get clients yelling at me and calling me names, notices from the city about things that need to be fixed, but only 3 days before they have to be fixed.  Even though I have a budget my checking account will suddenly not have enough money in it.  I have no idea how this happens so regularly.

    Am I not being positive enough? Do I not really believe the positive energy?  I just am not sure how my day starts out so well and the next thing I know I am hit by a semitruck. Do you struggle with this?  Have you overcome it?  What is going on here?


Sunday, February 5, 2023

Lets Do a Restart

     So it has been awhile since I posted.  My heart just was not into anything for a long time.  Life was such a battle and I really just didn't have it in me to life.  Now don't get me wrong, I do not want to die or harm myself at all.  I just didn't have the energy to try anymore.  It was so energy draining just to be.  I was sad about everything.  I lost my marriage, my house, most of my family had turned against me, I hated my job, my daughter was still struggling, you name it I was just going thru it and the motions to make it each day.  

    I just wasn't in a great head space.  everything seemed like a chore.  I hid in my house, I just went to work to pay my bills and then whatever I had to do to survive. It has been a long road but I am slowly getting back to some sort of normal.  I am planning to get back to my blogging and hopefully it is helpful to some people out there