About Me

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Lansing, Michigan, United States
I am a Mother, a mentor, a business owner, an employee. I am a person I have a busy life and would like to help others deal with their busy lives.

Sunday, February 22, 2015

So Yeah

Uh so usually I would come on here with a real purpose and some advice.  Today I am just here to chat.  I am exhausted.  Like in every area of my life I am just tired.  Physically, mentally, emotionally, I am for real tired.  Like keeping my eyes open is a real chore.  Everything is very draining.

Normally most people would say well then chill, relax, take some time to yourself.   That in perspective sounds great but what if you are the only adult in the home and everything around you is like massively needing attention?  At what point do you just say screw it and take the needed rest.  I mean the laundry needs to be done, the house needs cleaning and repairs.  My car doesn't work so I am using my parents and now it is not working so now I am borrowing a friends car.  This is the real struggle that I am going through.

My daughter has many medical issues and that means she needs extra attention.  She needs constant attention through out each day.  It is something that I do because I love my child, she is my world.  The problem becomes, if I am spending all my time taking care of her then who is taking care of me.  I don't mean in the sense of please come pay my bills and do all my house work, which I mean really at some point we have all wished would magically happen but we live in reality,   What I am talking about it ok so today I am running behind so lets do a ponytail and no make up and grab McDonald's for breakfast and the gym can wait until tomorrow.

Next thing you know the only time you wear anything "nice" is when you go to work.  Sweat pants are your best friend and  doing your hair means you brushed it out after the shower.  Makeup?!? What is make up?  Going out means I made it to the store and got the food my daughter needs for school and stuff.

I am not here for a pitty party that is not what this is.  It is just an out loud moment of trying to figure out at what point a person gets so far behind that everything else in the world comes before them self. Why is it, especially women in general, seem to forget that thy are people to and they need the same care and attention that everyone else gets.  Like pure normal stuff that humans do everyday.

Ok so that is that.  A little food for thought today.  I just seem to not really have it together today.  I do have a home and friends and just like everything else I will get through this.  You will too. So today go put on your fancy jeans and straighten your hair.  Then turn on your favorite show and relax.  It sounds crazy but why not one day is ok.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

Just Because

So this weekend has been very relaxing.  My daughter and I decided to visit my parents for the holiday weekend.  My mom's birthday is Monday and it is not often we get to just come up here for the weekend.  So we decided to use our free time this time to see family.  My parents moved two hours away so it can be challenging to see them some times.  We all have different schedules and then this time of year with the weather it makes it more challenging.

It is crazy how fast time goes and then you realize it has been more than a month since you have visited some one.  I realized it has been over a month since I last saw one of my friends and I actually drive by their house every week for other stuff.  It is crazy how time goes by so fast and we are so worried about getting things done all the time, we don't actually have time to enjoy life.

It seems more as the time goes by I get more used to not seeing people.  It is sad that we put more value on what we are getting done than the people in our lives.  It seems that being with the people we care about the most should be our bigger priority.  We get so caught up in getting a pay check or what we have to do around the house that we push the rest to the side.  I mean really, if you don't do the dishes today what is the harm they will still be there tomorrow and most people now have a dishwasher so it isn't like it is an all day chore like before.

It amazes that with ll this stuff we have to make our lives easier, we have actually complicated it more.  We are jam packing more things to do each day.  We make it almost impossible to just sit and enjoy life as it is.  Just spend time with our family.  Enjoy our time with the people we care about the most.  When you think about it when those people are gone are the dishes going to be that important?  The day of their funeral are you going to not go because there are dishes to do, or are you just going say heck with the dishes I am going.  So why wait until their life is over to see them.  Why not have today be the day that the dishes can wait and you go spend time with important people now.