About Me

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Lansing, Michigan, United States
I am a Mother, a mentor, a business owner, an employee. I am a person I have a busy life and would like to help others deal with their busy lives.

Sunday, July 24, 2016

How I Got Rid Of My Kidney Stone (read till the end)

So as most of you know I have had a couple of kidney stones.  If you know anything about them they are painful and not easy to pass once they are of  larger size.  My first one was 9 mm and required two different surgeries before it finally came out.  After that I thought I was good to go and would just need regular heck ups to make sure I was ok.

This was not the case.  I ended up with a 6 mm stone at the beginning of this year.  I knew before I even went to the hospital what it was.  The pain was horrible.  If you have ever given birth then take labor pains and times it by a minimum of ten.  After going to the hospital I was given pain meds and told to go to my specialist.  By the time I saw him the pain was better so we decided to wait.  Then a week later I went back.  Not in pain I made the choice to wait.  My Dr. told me if I waited much longer I risked damage so surgery was looking like my only option.  I was told I would need another CT scan to see what was happening then we could decide from there.

Well for a couple of reasons I won't waste time explaining I didn't get the CT for another month.  In that time I decided to do some research on naturals ways to get rid of kidney stones.  I read multiple articles and learned of the same basic ingredients people had used with success.  Mind you there were a lot of opinions on how to get rid of them and how much of certain things you should eat or drink.  Some people swore by methods that were illegal as well.  I was not going that route.  I decided to use the ingredients that came up the most but do it my way.

For two weeks before the scan I used my remedy in hopes that it would at least shrink the stone enough they would let me wait to pass it.  After the scan it was almost a month before I saw the Dr.  I went in that day expecting to hear the words surgery.  I am not scared of surgery by any means but as a single parent it is hard to find a ride and set up a person to be with my princess in case of a seizure.

The Dr. came in ad to my surprise said I was fine.  I didn't need to come back for a whole year.  The stone was gone.  As the nurse was leaving she asked if I had passed it because she had never heard of some one passing a stone that big on their own.  I told her I was just as surprised and told her what I had done.  She was very impressed

So here is what you need to get started.  Lemons, pure honey, coconut oil, and organic apple cider vinegar.  I know seems to easy but it really is.  During the day you will make what I call a tea basically.  Get a coffee or tea mug and squeeze a half of lemon into the cup.  Then put in honey I just put in what looked about a teaspoon.  Then add a tablespoon of coconut oil.  Then fill with hot water.  I used my Kurig.  I filled the cup about half full of water put it in the Kurig then did the ingredients and then pushed start.  Drink the whole thing.  Later in the evening you need a large water bottle.  You put a tablespoon of apple cider vinegar in it and fill the rest of the way with water.  It taste bad really I will not lie, but it works.  Do this for 2 weeks.  After that you can do it a couple times a week just to stay flushed out.

Why it works.  Here is what I learned.  The lemon and apple cider vinegar dissolve the stone over time.  The honey act as an antibacterial to keep your tube clean and repair quicker.  Stones have sharp edges that shred the tube as it passes.  This is where the oil helps it lubricates the tube to help the stone slide easier.  So there you have it.  I know this was long but hopefully it can help some one else.

Thursday, July 7, 2016

A Money Check In

So I was doing a series of posts on how to pay down your debt and save a little.  I shared how I use my small change to grow my savings and ways that I earn extra money and Amazon points so I can keep up on my spending and putting money away.  I do not make a lot of money by any means but I have putt away $500 in one savings and about $150 in another.  Plus I got all of my daughter's sweet 16 decorations for free so far.  Plus her gifts and I have already started purchasing her Christmas gifts.

I have been able to go without using my credit cards for quite a while now which is raising my credit score.  It is not rising in speedy leaps but it is rising which is getting me baby steps closer to where I want to be.  One of these days I will be debt free and be able to do what I want because my score will be amazing.  It will make it so I can get things I want and have low interest rates which will be like paying same as cash.  A lot of things I will be able to pay cash for because I will have money in my savings to do what I want with.

The secret is that it isn't a race to get there it is about taking the steps to get there.  If you are always trying to put away $20 but have to use it because that is a big chunk out of your budget then what is the point you are getting no where.  If you save a little at a time so that you really don't notice then you will not feel burdened by actually saving money.

Believe me if I can do this so can you.  Even if you just start by saving pennies.  After that you can work your way up.  The hardest part is starting.  it is like losing weight, they say the first 10 pounds is the hardest but once you do your body gets going and you can keep going because you are motivated.  Once you save $10 you will want to do $20 and then $30. It will be exciting to see your balance going up.

Get started.  Do not wait.  If I can do it on a single income you can make it work too.  I am here if you have questions or just need motivation.  Do not hesitate to talk to me.  I am happy to help.

Monday, July 4, 2016

Happy 4th of July

This is just a quick post.  I just wanted to wish everyone a Happy 4th of July.  I hope you had a great holiday weekend and maybe even got to spend time with family and friends.

I was up north with my parents and daughter.  It is one of my favorite times of the year.  We just forget about what is going on and spend time with each other.  I hope you had that same type of weekend.