So I was doing a series of posts on how to pay down your debt and save a little. I shared how I use my small change to grow my savings and ways that I earn extra money and Amazon points so I can keep up on my spending and putting money away. I do not make a lot of money by any means but I have putt away $500 in one savings and about $150 in another. Plus I got all of my daughter's sweet 16 decorations for free so far. Plus her gifts and I have already started purchasing her Christmas gifts.
I have been able to go without using my credit cards for quite a while now which is raising my credit score. It is not rising in speedy leaps but it is rising which is getting me baby steps closer to where I want to be. One of these days I will be debt free and be able to do what I want because my score will be amazing. It will make it so I can get things I want and have low interest rates which will be like paying same as cash. A lot of things I will be able to pay cash for because I will have money in my savings to do what I want with.
The secret is that it isn't a race to get there it is about taking the steps to get there. If you are always trying to put away $20 but have to use it because that is a big chunk out of your budget then what is the point you are getting no where. If you save a little at a time so that you really don't notice then you will not feel burdened by actually saving money.
Believe me if I can do this so can you. Even if you just start by saving pennies. After that you can work your way up. The hardest part is starting. it is like losing weight, they say the first 10 pounds is the hardest but once you do your body gets going and you can keep going because you are motivated. Once you save $10 you will want to do $20 and then $30. It will be exciting to see your balance going up.
Get started. Do not wait. If I can do it on a single income you can make it work too. I am here if you have questions or just need motivation. Do not hesitate to talk to me. I am happy to help.
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